Teaser! Matric Farewell 2019 | Morrells and H/s Linden

Teaser! Matric Farewell 2019 | Morrells and H/s Linden

Wow, I had fun with these young adults! Corlé de Villiers asked me to capture some memories for daughter, Menine, for her Matric Farewell. She booked a slot at Morrells for beautiful venue photos and pics with the family and Menine and her friends arranged for us to take pictures at their school H/s Linden, Johannesburg.

I brought along 2 smoke grenades (purple and orange) as a little gift and I must say those pictures came out amazing! I just love the emotion in them…..I almost felt like screaming “FREEDOOOOOM” when they shouted and jumped…and the orange smoke grenade definitely burnt longer than 90seconds. It was almost like it would never stop.

Oh yes, the pictures where they are standing on a table…welll…that is the desk of the vice principal at H/s Linden. He must be the coolest teacher on the planet. He said they can do whatever they want…”you can even stand on my desk if you want” and they did…!

Here’s a sneakpeak of 80+ photos because I know people these days want to Instagram almost immediately what they looked like…and I want my clients to Instagram my photos…heheh!

Please leave a comment at the end!

Wynand van der Merwe

I am a destination wedding and family photographer based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I love spontaneous natural moments during weddings that nobody really sees, and which I get to capture! Wow, what a privilege. I also love fun and quirky moments, which makes each wedding unique, fun and memorable!

I am also passionate to create natural yet mind-blowing photos. I love it when couples take a moment to forget about me as the photographer and just enjoy each other’s company and the moment right in front of them. Those moments are priceless and just a joy to capture.

I also love ending weddings off with a very creative sparkler photo, where I run around you just like a headless chicken…which always adds for some fun at the end of a long day!


Teaser! George en Charlene | Wedding | Galagos Country Estate


Joe and Nadine | Lifestyle Shoot | Johannesburg